Starting Music for September 13th, 2022

Aloha world! I hope you are well and get a chance to enjoy this International Programmer’s Day! Unofficially, it is also Roald Dahl/Uncle Sam/National Kids Take Over the Kitchen/Peanut Day, and as September’s second Tuesday, it is also National Ants On A Log (a celery stick lined with peanut butter and raisins) Day!

The term “Uncle Sam” came about via a meat packer named Samuel Wilson of Troy, New York. He supplied the U.S. Army with beef barrels during the War of 1812. The barrels had “U.S.” stamped on them, and the soldiers began to call them “Uncle Sam’s beef”.

For tomorrow, it is Holy Cross/National Cream Filled Donut/Eat A Hoagie/Live Creative Day!

Holy Cross Day is also known as (a. k. a.) Triumph of the Cross/ Exaltation of the Holy Cross Day. In 335 AD, Roman Emperor Constantine dedicated a group of buildings in Jerusalem where Christ’s crucifixion occurred and his tomb was. His mother, Helena was believed to have found a piece of the cross during the excavation.

Here in the Hall of Fame city located in NE Ohio (USA), it is Tuesday, September 13th, 2022 (day 255) and we are looking at a cloudy and cool day with a nice little warm-up tomorrow. Gervasi Vineyard will be hosting live music and Pups on The Piazza, and Boomdyada will be hosting the September Make-n-Take Moss Dioramas (miniature sculptures in glass jars) event. Both events continue the following day, along with the Gervasi Vineyards Cruise-In featuring classic cars.

Links for the above topics:

Here are today’s updated weather charts (after clicking on “Today’s Weather Charts” below, hit your browser’s “back” button to return here).

Today’s Weather Charts (Akron-Canton Airport)

Other weather related links:

Tonight | EarthSky

Work continues on humidity and other charts, so in order to free up as much time as possible for the new setup, I will be rehashing some earlier posts that were on the website, but not this WordPress blog. I hope you will bear with me as I work on these improvements.

And here’s the CLE-DAL Sports Schedule Highlights Charts (hit your browser’s Back button to return here):

CLE-DAL Sports Schedule Highlights


This day is off to a rough start. Despite getting up early, I am running behind because both of my cats were having issues this morning. It’s always a bit frustrating when you wake up thinking that you’re getting an early start only to be foiled in the first couple of hours. Therefore, this is going to be a heavy, letting off some steam musical start to the day.

Randomly Cool Big List No.1SpotifyThe Mob RulesBlack Sabbath05The Mob Rules1981
The Mob Rules by Black Sabbath

Anyone who has seen the original animated movie “Heavy Metal” will recognize the studio version of this song with the “E5150” intro. Although I am not a fan of the artwork often portrayed with Black Sabbath, I have a high respect for most of the musicians that have been part of the band. It’s hard to know how much of that artwork was driven by record company executives as a means to drive controversy, which would often become buzz-worthy and more cash in their pockets.

Original frontman Ozzy Ozbourne always exclaims, “God bless you all!” at least once during his concerts, and the hand sign that his successor (Ronnie James Dio) became famous for (often mistakenly called devils horns) was something he claimed to have picked up from his grandmother. He knew it as the Italian sign “malocchio” (the evil eye) to ward off evil.

This song is in my playlist mostly due to the rather profound lyrics, but I also enjoy listening to it when I need to let off some steam. Screaming along with that opening sonic yell from Ronnie James Dio helps me release pent-up negative energy. Alas, “It’s over, It’s done, The end has begun, If you listen to fools, The mob rules.”

The Mob Rules by Black Sabbath on YouTube

Keep Rockin’ the Heavy Bass my friends, but don’t forget to chill every once in a while!!


From my March 03rd website blog:

“Well, that’s a wrap. I’ll be starting the day off with “Welcome Home (Sanitarium)” by Metallica from the Master of Puppets album (1986). This was the year that I graduated from high school and moved to Texas a few months later to join my Dad and step-family. I visited the previous year and was enthralled by the big-city lights, nightlife, and warm temperatures in and around Dallas. My stepbrother and I shared an affinity for Heavy Metal music, but mine leaned more towards hair bands where his leaned more towards what we considered “thrash” in those days (most if it seems tame by today’s standards). He introduced me to Queensrÿche (their early albums like The Warning and Rage For Order), got me hooked on Iron Maiden, and is responsible for opening my eyes to the true lyrical genius of some of the heavier songs I would have otherwise ignored.”

Randomly Cool Big List No.1SpotifyWelcome Home (Sanitarium)Metallica04Master of Puppets1986
Welcome Home (Sanitarium) by Metallica
Welcome Home (Sanitarium) by Metallica on YouTube

Remember, Fear is the Mind-Killer, Don’t Panic, Keep Your Head Right with Ball, and May God be gracious to you and bless you and make His face shine upon you.

Find more of my collections and creations at


#blog #jimig2pt0 #music #weather #astronomy #musings #PaulHarvey #TheRestOfTheStory #CaseyKanem #AmericanTop40 #Dune #FrankHerbert #TheHitchhikersGuideToTheGalaxy #DouglasAdams #TheTicket #TheMusers #TheHardline #Bible

You want more tags? Read the text. There’s plenty of tags in there.  >;}

Sources include, but are not limited to: NOAA at,, The Sky This Week on,,, Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Sports,, Wikipedia,,,,, notes I’ve been keeping since I bought my first ledger in the mid-80s

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