Yesterday’s CLE-DAL Quick View

I have spent most of my life in the NE Ohio and D/FW regions and continue to track a hodge-podge collection of sports and weather data from both. The Ohio colleges I follow are close to Portage County where I grew up. This is just a small part of the blog, other pages, and website for my online brand, JiMiG2pt0 (pronounced Jimmy-Gee-two-point-oh) -it’s more than just music.

Yesterday’s CLE-DAL Quick View

For the full blog, click here:

For more CLE-DAL Sports, click here:

CLE-DAL Sports | Randomly Accessed Musings by JiMiG (

For more Canton, OH weather tracking including forecast accuracy tracking (spoiler alert, when given slight margins of error, they are pretty darn good given the difficulty involved), click here:

Newly Completed Weather Charts – FEB24 | Randomly Accessed Musings by JiMiG (

Find more JiMiG2pt0 creations at the website:

The term “Maundy” comes from the Latin word mandatum, which means “command.” The religious term comes from the Last Supper, believed to have taken place on a Thursday. According to the Bible, Jesus, who was at the height of his power and influence, washed his disciple’s feet in the ultimate display of no-ego humility. He then commanded them to do the same for one another. This is in line with what he was always preaching: the most important commandment was to love God, but the second-most important commandment (sort of a “1” and “1A” situation) was to love one another. It is also a wonderful guide for choosing leaders. When you have a choice, which one is most likely to show humility and compassion towards all?

Proverbs 11:1 – A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.

Proverbs 23:23 – Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.

Ecclesiastes 5:10 – He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity.

Proverbs 6:16 – There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:

17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Luke 16:14 – The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and they ridiculed him.

My Daily Prayer: Dear Lord, if it is within your will, please bless this home and all those who dwell in and around it, as well as the abodes and areas where my family and friends live, whom I think of daily. Indeed, even unto the whole world. Help all of them see your splendor and help bring peace on Earth. For yours is the glory and kingdom of heaven forever and ever. Amen!

Remember, Fear is the Mind-Killer, Don’t Panic, Keep Your Head Right with Ball, and May God be gracious to you, bless you, and make His face shine upon you.

Borrowed from because I stand with them:

This is an AI (Text) Free Zone! Text created by ChatGPT and other Large Language Models is spreading rapidly across the Internet. It is well written, artificial, and frequently inaccurate. If you find a mistake on any JiMiG2pt0 sites, rest assured it was made by a real human being! The occasional image may be AI-generated, though (and will be presented as such).

I also do not collect data. I prefer growing my sites the old-fashioned way: try my best to put out quality work that folks find interesting and tell their family and friends about it. None of that SEO ‘numbers’ crap* here!

* -at least not on my end, I cannot speak for the entities that host my sites

Sources include, but are not limited to: NOAA at,, The Sky This Week on,,, Yahoo! Sports, college athletics pages, Basketball Reference, Hockey Reference, etc.,, Wikipedia,,,, various news sites (I prefer to hear both sides of the argument*), and notes I’ve been keeping since I bought my first ledger in the mid-1980s.

* -In most cases, there is a little bad and good on both, and I feel that we, as a species, far too often close our minds. We take the quick and easy side that we find most to our liking and vilify everything else, when we should instead, be pushing our race and ourselves at every turn to a better understanding of all if we truly want to evolve into what we are capable of achieving. Can you imagine what kind of world it would be if we all just stopped looking out for number one, or choosing violence as an answer? Instead of looking out, we need to look in and make sure we like what we see, and then keep working to improve upon it, which will spread the positive. What if all the money and energy spent daily on war-related and hate-based things were focused on helping not just our fellow humans, but also our fellow Earth creatures? You want a paradise? Right there is the blueprint -every single person making the conscious effort to do better every moment of every day (“Fight the Good Fight” -Triumph). The question is, how bad do we want it and how far are we willing to go in order to get it? Bob Marley and Curtis Mayfield had it right. One Love/People Get Ready.